DATE: Tuesday, March 4, 2025

FROM: Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition 

CONTACT: Allison Manuel / / 917-213-6028

Bronx tenants secure landmark victory against fraudulent rent hikes, demand full accountability from landlord

Bronx, NY—In a historic victory for tenant rights, over two dozen residents of 2770-80 Kingsbridge Terrace gathered to celebrate their victory in a years-long fight against fraudulent Major Capital Improvement (MCI) rent increases. The New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) ruled in favor of tenants, requiring landlord Steve Finkelstein to reimburse them for years of unlawful overcharges. This ruling marks a critical step toward holding landlords accountable and protecting rent-stabilized tenants across New York.

"This victory is proof that when tenants stand together and fight back, we can win," said Yeniset Estrella, a 2770-80 Kingsbridge Terrace resident of 31 years. "For years, we were forced to pay fraudulent rent increases, and some of our neighbors were even pushed out of their homes. Today, we celebrate this ruling as a major step toward justice, but we know the fight is not over. We will ensure that our landlord pays back what he owes and that no more tenants are forced to leave due to these unlawful practices."

At today’s press conference, tenants and housing justice advocates highlighted the urgent need for ongoing enforcement to ensure compliance with the ruling. They also pushed for tenant ownership as a long-term solution to prevent similar abuses in the future. Throughout this fight, some tenants were forced to self-evict, while others are still battling eviction proceedings due to the financial burden of fraudulent rent hikes. By securing community ownership over housing, tenants can protect themselves from predatory landlords, prevent displacement, and create lasting housing stability.

"Landlords have exploited the MCI system for too long, using it as a loophole to extract more money from tenants while failing to make real improvements to their buildings," said Sandra Lobo, Executive Director of the Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition (NWBCCC). "This case highlights why we must push for community ownership. When tenants have governance over their homes, they are not vulnerable to landlords' fraudulent schemes, and they can build a future where their housing is secure and affordable."

Tenants were joined by City Councilmember Pierina Sanchez and representatives for Senator Robert Jackson, Senator Gustavo Rivera, Assemblymember George Alvarez, and Take Root Justice to celebrate this historic win and call for further protections against landlord fraud.

“All New Yorkers deserve access to safe and dignified housing, and rent regulated tenants have the right to protections from unreasonable rent increases. Congratulations to the tenants of 2770-80 Kingsbridge Terrace and Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition for securing this important victory in holding their landlord accountable and restitution for tenants after years of unjust rent increases,” said City Council Member Pierina Sanchez. “This victory sends a strong message that landlords who try to abuse their tenants by setting unfair rent increases will face consequences. However, we must continue to take proactive steps to protect NYC tenants. That’s why I remain committed to doing everything in my power to ensure safe housing for New Yorkers through my bill, Int.1063, also known as the Housing Rescue and Resident Protection Act (HRRPA). This legislation is a critical step towards holding negligent landlords across NYC accountable and transferring buildings to responsible owners.” 

"This victory is a testament to the unshakable power of tenants who refuse to be silenced, who stand together against greed and injustice. For too long, landlords like Finkelstein have treated our communities as commodities, exploiting loopholes to pad their pockets while forcing families from their homes,” said Senator Robert Jackson. “But today, the tenants of 2770-80 Kingsbridge Terrace send a clear message: they will not be pushed out, priced out, or cast aside. Justice is not a favor—it is a right. And this fight will not end until every tenant, in every building, can live without fear of fraudulent displacement."

“I want to congratulate tenants of 2770-80 Kingsbridge Terrace and the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition for their historic legal victory against landlord Steve Finkelstein who unlawfully charged them with fraudulent MCI overcharges for years,” said State Senator Gustavo Rivera. “It is now imperative for this landlord to comply with this ruling and reimburse these tenants immediately, who have already suffered enough by his exploitative practices. As a proud supporter of the No More MCI Coalition, we won’t stand by while neglectful landlords prioritize profit over the well being of their tenants."

“Today’s victory is a testament to the power of collective action. The residents of 2770-80 Kingsbridge Terrace have shown that when tenants stand together, they can challenge landlord abuse and win,” said Assemblymember George Alvarez. “This ruling is a step toward justice, but we must remain vigilant to ensure full accountability. I stand with these tenants in demanding that Steve Finkelstein repays every dollar he unlawfully took and in pushing for stronger protections like the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) to prevent this from happening again. Housing is a human right, and we will continue fighting to make sure all New Yorkers can live with dignity and stability.”

“Landlords, not tenants, should be the ones paying for upgrades in their buildings. As we saw in this case, landlords use fraudulent major capital improvements to abuse the system and displace low-income people from their communities,” said Michael Leonard, the attorney representing the tenants from Take Root Justice. “While we applaud the DHCR's decision today, too many MCI applications have been simply rubber stamped and we call on the State to institute penalties for unscrupulous landlords who violate the law.”

The 2770-80 Kingsbridge Terrace Tenant Association and NWBCCC reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring that Finkelstein follows through with his repayment obligations. They are also calling for the passage of the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) which would give tenants first right of refusal when their building is being sold and increased investment in tenant-led ownership models that protect long-term affordability.

“The struggle we have gone through with Finkelstein only affirms that responsible tenant ownership of our buildings is the real solution to landlord abuses,” said Ana Dominguez, a 2770-80 Kingsbridge Terrace resident of 20 years.


The Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition (NWBCCC) is a 5,000+ member-led, grassroots organization fighting for racial justice and economic democracy to transform the Bronx and beyond. In 2024, we celebrate 50 years of Building Our Bronx Future.

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